About Venous Diseases
The term varicose vein refers to abnormal and unwanted veins that afflict more than 30 million Americans. They vary in size from small spider veins up to larger bulging "varicose" veins. Common symptoms include aching, leg fatigue and heaviness, itching, throbbing, night cramps, restless legs and swelling. Phlebitis, thrombosis (blood clots), spontaneous bleeding and skin ulcers are the most common complications of varicose vein disease.
If varicose veins are left untreated, smaller abnormal veins may increase in number and are associated with worsening symptoms. In the vast majority of cases, spider and varicose veins do not serve any useful function and the removal of these veins may improve circulation.
Varicose Veins
Varicose veins are swollen, twisted, and sometimes painful veins that have filled with an abnormal amount of blood. In normal veins, valves in the vein keep blood moving toward the heart. With varicose veins, the valves do not function properly, allowing blood to pool in the vein. This blood causes the vein to swell. Varicose veins usually occur in legs, although they may occur in other parts of the body.
Varicose Symptoms
- Veins that are dark purple or blue.
- Veins that appear twisted and bulging
- An achy or heavy feeling in your legs
- Burning, throbbing, itching around one or more veins.
- Muscle cramping or swelling in your lower legs
Spider Veins
Spider veins, or telangiectasias, are thin purple, blue or red veins that most often appear on the face or legs. On the legs, they usually appear on the thighs, calves, or ankles. Facial veins may be on the nose, chin, or cheeks and can occur in areas of rosacea. Spider veins get their name from their "spider-shaped" appearance, but may also have a linear or branching morphology. Dilation and appearance of these small superficial veins is often caused by reflux and dysfunction of larger saphenous or tributary veins
Spider Vein Symptoms
- Veins that are dark purple or blue.
- Veins that appear twisted and bulging
- An achy or heavy feeling in your legs
- Burning, throbbing, itching around one or more veins.
- Muscle cramping or swelling in your lower legs